Self Portraiture and Conscientiousness

Art students the world over are frequently required to paint self-portraits. The compulsion to make this attempt of “introspection” is almost mandatory if they want to be taken seriously in the fine art community. But I always have the same response to baseless expectations placed on myself and other students of art: forget it. For this reason, the portrait below is one of only two that I’ve made in the time that I’ve been studying art and painting. You may be disappointed that I have nothing deeper to say about this age-old practice, but at the end of the day, it is just paint, and it gets me no closer to unraveling the confines of my identity than how I take my coffee. 

   And yet, I am willing to paint my insipid mug on occasion. I believe there are lessons to be learned almost anywhere, as long as I can convince myself that I’m doing it for reasons other than it being practiced by countless “serious“ painters ad nauseam.

   To my pleasant surprise, I did experience a degree of freedom as I painted this. I had no expectations of seeing it in a gallery, or in the hands of a collector. Having the very possibility of a monetary return removed from the equation, I allowed myself to paint with essentially no concern for the future. This cannot be said with much of my other work. I paint for a living (albeit not a very profitable one). The question of how to afford more paint, whether I like it or not (and I don’t) does impose itself on my design choices. Whether I would hang this painting in my own home or not is often on my mind, and anyone who remains free of this ball and chain should consider themselves lucky. Would I encourage anyone else to paint a self-portrait? No — I would encourage you to paint period; What you paint is your problem.